четверг, 31 декабря 2015 г.

How To Travel & Help 🌍 Indonesia

Rabiatul is a 12 year old girl who lives with her elderly parents- Hasan and Selma, as they struggle to make ends meet on daily basis. While her brother and sister live on a nearby island studying, barely able to pay for their stay and eating very little. Hasan (the father) is sick and diagnosed with hypercardia, despite which he has no other choice but working 12-14 hour days. Shockingly enough, payment for his work is far from guaranteed, as it entirely depends weather or not the harvest is good. Often enough, like in last 6 months, it's been very harsh as it's very dry and his back-breaking work goes unpaid. While he must do it, since they do not own the land they're living on, which means he has no choice but to work and hope for the best. 

Selma (the mother) works on a field nearby, harvesting rice and chilli, which gets her 50'000 IDR par days work (3 EUR). As this family's income is irregular and very small, the father can hardly afford any medicine and is noticeably sick. Children all have great aspirations of becoming academics, while they go through most days with very empty stomachs. Rabiatul has about 5'000 IDR to feed herself during long school hours daily (0.30 EUR), which buys practically nothing you can call food. She walks far to school as she has no other choice and does a lot of household chores, as her elderly parents simply can't do them, because of health or other work activities. Rabiatul is a wonderful bright girl and her father Hasan, despite his serious heart condition, is one of the most hard working people we've ever met. 

Knowing what we know about them now, I'm sure you'll appreciate why we have decided to help them with what was at our disposal. We would kindly value you lending a helping hand to these people, since they really are in desperate need.

If you like what we do and share our vision of unconditional giving- please like our videos, subscribe to our channel and share them on your social media. 

Like Peace By Piece Crew on our Facebook page 
and help us help as many as we can 
by spreading the word!

info: peacebypiececrew@gmail.com www.peacebypiececrew.org

четверг, 17 декабря 2015 г.

Как путешествовать, помогая людям? | How to travel while helping people

Как путешествовать, помогая людям? | How to travel while helping people

Если вы когда-нибудь задавались этим вопросом, тогда вам подойдёт травел-волонтерство. Ознакомиться с таким видом путешествий я предлагаю с просмотра видео моих друзей, которые сейчас находятся на острове Сумбава в Индонезии.

If you ever asked yourself this question, the travel-volunteering is the right thing for you. You may see this type of travel in my friend's short video. Now helping on island of Sumbawa in Indonesia. <3

PS. Смотрите видео на русском, английском и итальянском языках с субтитрами. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a66ufewXGZY

Watch the video in English, Russian and Italian with subtitles.